Adelante Healthcare is an FQHC in Phoenix, Arizona. As an organization, we have committed to data- driven practice transformation aligned with value-based care to embrace change. Practice transformation required us to identify and evaluate our teams and led to a complete realignment and restructuring of the value-based care team. This also led to redefining of roles and responsibilities with specific goals and KPIs for the team. This was done in alignment with our current value-based contracts. In addition, Adelante invested in a resource on the data analytics side, specific for value-based functions, so that we have actionable data for our outreach and clinical teams to drive results and better clinical outcomes. We have also built customized dashboards which include performance metrics baselines and targets which are visible to the organization. HIT improvements, digital outreach and tools are implemented.
The focus is to delineate responsibilities and have teams work to the top of their licenses. We have seen a significant financial improvement with regards to value-based incentives and are building financial models for the next three to five years with regards to this program. Team-based strategy and focus on building infrastructure and creating financial sustainability are the focus. Attend this session to learn how your organization can utilize data analytics to transform your team, drive results, and improve clinical outcomes.
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