
Wanda Montalvo PhD, RN, FAAN

Senior Fellow and Team Lead, Public Health Integration and Innovation, NACHC

Wanda Montalvo, PhD, RN, FAAN is Executive Nurse Leader and innovator with expertise in quality improvement, health disparities, philanthropy, and research. She is an avid public health advocate with successful track record of engaging diverse stakeholders from academia, philanthropy, federal agencies, and community-based organizations. Her national work includes the National Health Disparities Collaborative (funded by the Health Resources and Services Administration) as Northeast Cluster Director. As a Senior Fellow and Team Lead, Public Health Integration and Innovation at NACHC, Dr. Montalvo provides technical support for public health systems change with a focus on peer learning, health disparities, health equity, and transforming new models of care. Dr. Montalvo earned her PhD from Columbia University School of Nursing and has several peer-reviewed publications. She has served on several national advisory committees and is a Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing currently serving on the Development Committee. Follow her on Twitter @Montalvo501.


  • Thumbnail for Raising Your Voice for Health Care and Your Patients: Leveraging Social Media
    February 15, 2022
    As we have witnessed throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, social media platforms have been a powerful communication tool to quickly share changing public health pandemic guidance and emphasize the importance of advocacy…


    Speaker Image for Wanda Montalvo
    Wanda Montalvo, PhD, RN, FAAN
    Senior Fellow and Team Lead, Public Health Integration and Innovation, NACHC
    Speaker Image for Leslie Wolcott
    Communications Consultant
    Speaker Image for Jay W. Lee
    Jay W. Lee, MD, MPH, FAAFP
    Chief Medical Officer, Share Our Selves


    Speaker Image for Alexandra Walker
    Director, Digital Communications, NACHC
  • Thumbnail for Growing the Health Center Workforce
    February 16, 2022
    This education session will focus on health center care team policy and scope issues to ensure all care team members are able to work at the top of their training, licensure, and/or certification…


    Speaker Image for Jeremy Crandall
    Director, Federal and State Policy, NACHC
    Speaker Image for Amy Behnke
    Chief Executive Officer, Health Center Association of Nebraska
    Speaker Image for Wanda Montalvo
    Wanda Montalvo, PhD, RN, FAAN
    Senior Fellow and Team Lead, Public Health Integration and Innovation, NACHC
    Speaker Image for Henry Taylor
    President and CEO, Mile Square Health Center
    Speaker Image for Tera Bianchi
    Program Director, Dental Access Project, Community Catalyst

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