The Medicaid and Medicare Adult Dental Benefits: It’s Time for Real Whole Person Care

March 17, 2020

Health care will not achieve true Whole Person Care until oral health is recognized as an equal component with medical and behavioral health in the eyes of payers and systems. This session will address current efforts to implement a Medicare and Medicaid adult dental benefit. Recognizing that most current policy formation takes place at the state level, PCA policy leaders will address current efforts to defend current benefits, new expansion efforts, and new initiatives to improve the program. Attendees will break out into groups, depending on their current state status position, and connect with and learn from colleagues. Finally, PCA staff will share updates on national CHC oral health initiatives and new collaborations to expand and enhance training and technical assistance throughout the country.  

Learning Objectives

  • Identify the role of comprehensive Medicaid and Medicare adult dental programs in improving whole person health outcomes, achieving the Quadruple Aim.
  • Understand current federal and state legislative and regulatory efforts.
  • Identify best practices with colleagues, in similar situations, from throughout the country.


Speaker Image for Donald Weaver
Senior Advisor, Clinical Workforce, NACHC
Speaker Image for Tara McCollum Plese
Chief External Affairs Officer, Arizona Alliance for Community Health Centers
Speaker Image for Stacey Chazin
Director, Leadership Development and Capacity Building, American Network of Oral Health Coalitions
Speaker Image for Jessie Menkens
Safety Net Initiatives Manager, Alaska Primary Care Association

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