
Cheryl Levine PhD

Director, Center for Health Center Innovation, Office of Quality Improvement, Bureau of Primary Health Care/HRSA

In my current role, I lead activities in support of the Health Center Program by activating and accelerating innovation, exploring initiatives to advance public health priorities, building capacity and partnership to advance emerging priorities, and advancing health equity. I am an expert in cultural and linguistic competency, addressing health disparities, implementing health equity, and understanding the social determinants of health for assessing the socioeconomic and demographic characteristics of underserved and marginalized populations. I have led federal interagency committees, stakeholder workgroups, strategic planning, and national coordination to develop policies and procedures. I have developed and disseminated national level guidance, training, and tools to promulgate promising practices. I have background in applied social science research, program evaluation, policy analysis, and developing data-driven solutions.


  • Thumbnail for Innovating Health Centers: Bridging Local Initiatives to National Impact and Policy
    February 14, 2024
    Prepare to engage in a dynamic conversation as we dive into the world of innovation within the community health center system…


    Speaker Image for Aaron Todd
    Parliamentarian/Region VII Representative, NACHC Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer, Iowa Primary Care Association, InConcertCare, IowaHealth+
    Speaker Image for Cheryl Levine
    Director, Center for Health Center Innovation, Office of Quality Improvement, Bureau of Primary Health Care/HRSA
    Speaker Image for Alicia Higa
    Chief Health Equity Officer/Executive Director, Waianae Coast Comprehensive Health Center/'Elepaio Social Services

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