With a passion for serving community, Alicia Higa has dedicated over 19 years at the Waianae Coast Comprehensive Health Center (WCCHC), Hawaii’s largest Federally Qualified Community Health Center. She has evolved through various roles since joining in 2005. Balancing the responsibilities of work and being a young mother, she pursued a degree in Social Science and began developing innovative programs that addressed the disparities in her community. Alicia currently holds a dual role as the Chief Health Equity Officer at the Health Center and serves as the Executive Director for its newly established affiliate, Elepaio Social Services.
Alicia is a proud board member of community youth education farms, MAO Organic Farm and Hoa Aina O Makaha, in addition to a community development corporation, Waianae Moku Navigators. She is also a founding member of the state’s Hawaii Good Food Alliance and an active member of the Hunger Action Network.