Alan Steiner

Board Chair, HRHCare

The Honorable Alan Steiner, Board Chair, joined the HRHCare Board in 1975 and has held the position of Board Chair since 1979. He serves on the Executive, By-Laws, Compensation, Strategic Planning, Quality, and Finance/Audit Committees and is a liaison for the HRHCare Foundation Board. Alan cares passionately about HRHCare and the people it serves, second only to his family. He also is a member of the Hudson Health Plan and Eastern Cooperative Recreation School Boards. He has experience in many not-for-profit boards, is an attorney, as well as former legal services attorney. When he is not cheering for the HRHCare cause, Alan enjoys singing with a Barbershop Chorus, Yoga, Pilates, and Zumba.


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