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Transforming the Culture to Prosper in a Climate of Change

August 29, 2017
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Deloitte Consulting describes organizational and workplace culture like an iceberg; its most important components - values, beliefs, and reward systems - lie below the surface. Transforming culture is often substantially more difficult than changing business processes or information systems. The landscape in healthcare is rapidly changing and the only thing for certain right now will be the competitive market for talent and the health center's capabilities in recruiting and retaining this talent. Transforming the culture to prosper in a climate of change goes directly to the heart of what health centers must be doing right now. This interactive presentation will identify critical workplace culture characteristics and provide steps toward the path to transformation, assuring success now and in the future.
  • - Define what is a culture of excellence.
  • - Provide examples of factors driving the need for cultural transformation.
  • - Identify best practice methods in cultural transformation.


Speaker Image for Gary Campbell
President, Impact2Lead

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