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Understanding Accountable Care for Health Center Boards

August 29, 2017
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The Affordable Care Act (ACA) fundamentally changed the way healthcare is delivered in the United States in several ways. Most fundamental to the Health Center Program is the ACA-heralded, local decision making as the preferred method for healthcare delivery. As a result, health center boards now have even greater responsibility for assuring that care provided inside the health center is of the highest quality-- but they also are creating and establishing "networks of care" at the local level. This session will examine basic health center financing, the new types of care models health centers will be asked to join (Accountable Care Organizations, Independent Practice Associations, etc.), and how a health center board should strategize for entering into these types of conversations with external partners or other health centers.
  • - Provide the basics of the ACA and explain how it impacts health centers.
  • - Educate health center board members on the types of accountable care available in the marketplace.
  • - Educate board members on how to engage in accountable care strategy discussions for their health centers.


Speaker Image for Julie Balter
Specialist, Provider Networks, NACHC
Speaker Image for Yvonne Davis
Consumer/Board Member Representative, NACHC Board of Directors, Health Care Partners of South Carolina
Speaker Image for Jennifer Nolty
Director, PCA and Network Relations, NACHC
Speaker Image for Shawn Frick
Chief Revenue Officer and Member, UnitedHealthcare Natl FQHC Advisory Board, Health Source of Ohio

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