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Transforming Care: Using Cancer Screening Strategies to Build a Transformation Approach

August 28, 2017
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This session will highlight efforts taking place, in eight health centers across two states, to advance both colorectal and cervical cancer screening within a systems transformation approach. The project focuses on colorectal and cervical cancer screening, as well as hypertension, diabetes, obesity, and depression, all of which are important clinical priorities for health centers and HRSA and reported to the Uniform Data System (UDS). The project's systems transformation approach is based on the Value Transformation Framework developed by NACHC's Quality Center. The Framework organizes the evidence-base and strategies for addressing infrastructure, people, and delivery systems to reach the Quadruple Aim goals of: improved health outcomes, improved patient experiences, improved provider experiences, and reduced costs.
  • - Outline a health systems transformation framework that ties together improvement efforts in cancer screening with other clinical and quality areas in support of improved health, quality, and cost.
  • - Define effective health center models of risk stratification, care management, care team roles, electronic health record optimization, use of data, and partnerships.
  • - Identify opportunities for engaging patients and providers in cancer screening efforts within a health systems transformation approach.


Speaker Image for Jay Floyd
Medical Director, Coastal Community Health Services
Speaker Image for James Hotz
Clinical Services Director, Albany Area Primary Health Care
Speaker Image for Brenda Keller
Director of Quality, Community Health Centers of Southeastern Iowa
Speaker Image for Kimberly Smith
Nurse Care Manager, Primary Health Care
Speaker Image for Cheryl Modica
Cheryl Modica, PhD, MPH, BSN
Director, Quality Center, NACHC

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