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Health center finances changes substantially during COVID. Patient service revenue declined, grant revenue increased, and staffing patterns and compensation were disrupted. As health centers move forward in the post-COVID period, they will need to evaluate metrics of their performance.
This session will cover Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that health centers should use today and in the immediate future. These measures will focus on cash, revenue composition, drivers of patient service revenue, and staffing. We will also discuss how to interpret these measures and incorporate them into financial planning.
The reimbursement financial landscape continues to evolve, and health centers must adapt to shifting payment mechanisms. As health centers prepare for more and newer value-based payment schemes, the efficiency and effectiveness of their revenue cycles become even more paramount…
With the rise in cyber-attacks of government agencies and large-scale companies, organizations large and small are questioning if they are doing all they should to protect their data. Security breaches, fines, and audits create a complexity of challenges for health centers to navigate…
The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) and the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) have partnered to modernize HRSA's Uniform Data System (UDS) and transform UDS from reporting aggregate data at the health center level to disaggregated and de-…
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