
Sarah Egge

Founding Partner, SplitOak Strategy LLC

Sarah Kuehl Egge is a Founding Partner of SplitOak Strategies in Washington, DC, a bipartisan consulting firm, where she focuses on health care policy across a wide range of sectors and federal programs. Sarah began her career on Capitol Hill over two decades ago as a Legislative Assistant and Policy Analyst. For nearly a dozen years, Sarah served as the lead health and entitlements analyst for the Democratic Staff of the Senate Budget Committee. She also worked extensively on multiple budget resolutions, reconciliation bills and key legislation including the Affordable Care Act. During her Senate tenure, Sarah was selected by Co-Chairman Patty Murray (D-WA) to serve as Deputy Staff Director of the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction. Sarah received a B.A. in History and Public Affairs from the University of Denver and a Masters Degree in Public Policy from the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard.
