
Lisa Perry MBA, MPP

Principal, Morningside Health Strategies

Ms. Perry is a consultant with extensive executive experience in health care performance improvement. Her work focuses on data-driven innovation in patient services and operations. As Principal of Morningside Health Strategies, recent engagements include FQHC operational assessment, team-based care optimization, software evaluation & data strategy design. Prior to this, Ms. Perry served at the Community Health Care Association of NY State (CHCANYS) from 2008 -2019. As Sr. Vice President of Quality & Technology Initiatives she raised funds to triple the staff providing technical assistance and training to New York State’s 70+ Federally Qualified Health Centers. Key accomplishments while at CHCANYS included implementation of the Center for Primary Care Informatics, a statewide population health management system, and the founding of a HRSA-funded Health Center Controlled Network.


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