Kimberly S. G._Chang

Kimberly S. G. Chang MD, MPH

Vice-Speaker of the House, NACHC Board of Directors and Family Physician, Asian Health Services

Kimberly Chang, MD, MPH, is a Family Physician and Director of Human Trafficking and Healthcare Policy at Asian Health Services (AHS) in Oakland, California. In 2015, Dr. Chang completed the Commonwealth Fund Minority Health Policy Fellowship at Harvard, examining the role of federally qualified health centers in addressing human trafficking. Previously, Dr. Chang was the Clinic Director at AHS’ Frank Kiang Medical Center, providing care for commercially sexually exploited children. She trained thousands of front-line multidisciplinary professionals on the human trafficking healthcare intersection, provided invited expert testimony to the US Helsinki Commission on "Best Practices in Rescuing Trafficking Victims", serves on the National Advisory Committee on the Sex Trafficking of Children and Youth in the United States, and co-founded HEAL Trafficking. She was elected as the Vice Speaker of the House for NACHC in 2018, and in December 2021 was announced by the White House as a Commissioner for the President’s Advisory Commission on Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders.


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    Speaker Image for Kimberly S. G. Chang
    Vice-Speaker of the House, NACHC Board of Directors and Family Physician, Asian Health Services
    Speaker Image for Paloma Hernandez
    Chair, NACHC Board of Directors, and Chief Executive Officer, Urban Health Plan
    Speaker Image for Gerrelda Davis
    Executive Director, Louisiana Primary Care Association
    Speaker Image for Daniel Miller
    Chief of GME and Behavioral Hlth Integration and Asst. Prof. of Family Medicine, Sun River Health
    Speaker Image for Jeron Ravin
    Chief Executive Officer, SwopeHealth

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