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The Affordable Care Act (ACA) fundamentally changed the way health care is delivered in the United States in several ways. Most fundamental to the Health Center Program is the ACA-heralded, local decision making as the preferred method for health care delivery. As a result, health center boards now have even greater responsibility for assuring that care provided inside the health center is of the highest quality-- but they also are creating and establishing “networks of care” at the local level.
This session will examine basic health center financing, the new types of care models health centers will be asked to join (accountable care organizations, independent practice associations, etc.), and how a health center board should strategize for entering into these types of conversations with external partners or other health centers.
I. 12:00–12:10PM: General Session Opening and Welcome II. 12:10–12:35PM: NACHC Regional Strategic Meetings Update III. 12:40–1:45PM: Crafting Stories to Win Hearts, Minds, and VOTES of Lawmakers IV. 1:45–2:00PM: BREAK V…
This session will provide valuable insight into the contracting world of managed care organizations and help health centers prepare and position themselves to respond effectively…
Regardless of whether it is a clinically integrated network, independent practice association, or a unique funding relationship developed between a payer and a single health center, being accountable for the quality and cost of the care provided will be the determining factor for future health care…
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