
  • Thumbnail for erc
    August 11, 2020


    Speaker Image for Ted Henson
    Director, Health Center Performance and Innovation, NACHC
    Speaker Image for Helene Slavin
    Meetings Associate, NACHC
  • Thumbnail for NACHC Board Member Boot Camp: Setting the Scene about Board Roles and CEO Oversight/Partnership - **SEPARATE REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED**
    August 30, 2020
    Boards of directors play a vital role in the overall success and sustainability of health centers. This segment will review the roles and responsibilities of the board at a high level. It will also address the role of the board in relation to the CEO, the important role the board plays in providing oversight of the CEO, and pillars of an effective board-CEO partnership.


    Speaker Image for Emily Heard
    Associate Vice President, Health Center Governance, NACHC
    Speaker Image for Kim Schwartz
    Chief Executive Officer, Roanoke Chowan Community Health Center
    Speaker Image for Rashad Collins
    Board Chair, Caring Health Center, Charter Oak Health Center, Inc.
  • Thumbnail for NACHC Board Member Boot Camp: Legal Considerations for Health Center Boards - **SEPARATE REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED**
    August 30, 2020
    Health center boards must ensure compliance with local, state, and federal laws governing the operations of health care businesses. This section will include some discussion of the board’s legal roles including related to oversight of the Health Resource and Services Administration (HRSA) Health Center Program and corporate compliance.


    Speaker Image for Jacqueline C. Leifer
    Senior Partner, Feldesman Tucker Leifer Fidell LLP
  • Thumbnail for NACHC Board Member Boot Camp: The Board and Quality Oversight - **SEPARATE REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED**
    August 30, 2020
    Providing quality health care services is central to the mission of health centers. The governing board has a critical role in providing oversight of the quality assurance and quality improvement program. This segment defines quality and discusses the board’s oversight role related to quality.


    Speaker Image for Donald Weaver
    Senior Advisor, Clinical Workforce, NACHC
    Speaker Image for A. Seiji Hayashi
    A. Seiji Hayashi, MD, MPH, FAAFP
    Chief Transformation Officer and Medical Director, Mary's Center
  • Thumbnail for NACHC Board Member Boot Camp: The Board and Financial Oversight and Wrap Up/Action Planning - **SEPARATE REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED**
    August 30, 2020
    The Board and Financial Oversight The board is responsible for safeguarding the organization’s assets. This segment covers the establishment of financial priorities for the health center, budget approval, internal control policies and procedures, long-range planning, financial statements, and the audit.   Wrap Up, Action Planning, and Building on Your Learning During this wrap up, participants will have an opportunity to reflect on items they will take back to their boards or implement to make themselves a more effective board member. Time will be devoted to discussing resources for ongoing learning about board roles.


    Speaker Image for Emily Heard
    Associate Vice President, Health Center Governance, NACHC
    Speaker Image for Gervean Williams
    Director, Health Center Finance Trainings, NACHC
    Speaker Image for Mary Hawbecker
    Senior Vice President, Operations and Chief Financial Officer, NACHC
  • Thumbnail for Federal Policy Updates -- Beyond BPHC and CMS
    August 31, 2020
    NACHC's Legal Counsel and Senior Policy Advisor will provide updates on federal policy developments that impact health centers, beyond BPHC and CMS programs. In addition to COVID-19, they will address issues such as audit requirements, 340B, immigration, and women's health.


    Speaker Image for Colleen Meiman
    Senior Policy Advisor, NACHC
    Speaker Image for Jacqueline C. Leifer
    Senior Partner, Feldesman Tucker Leifer Fidell LLP
  • Thumbnail for Focusing on the Future: What is the Health Center Board’s Strategic Role in 2020 and Beyond?
    August 31, 2020
    Amidst the current uncertainty related to the COVID-19 pandemic, health center boards - in partnership with health center CEOs - have a critical role to play in sustaining the health center mission for the future. This session will explore tactics for boards to maintain this strategic focus, consider the future, and prepare to adapt accordingly. Specifically, this session will explore strategies for addressing critical strategic issues at the board-level,  ways boards and CEOs can use scenario planning to inform the future, and how to engage in strategic planning during a time of uncertainty and change.


    Speaker Image for Deborah Morrison
    Board Chair, Roanoke Chowan Community Health Center
    Speaker Image for Scott Alarcon
    Vice Chair, Lone Star Circle of Care
    Speaker Image for Avni Shridharani
    President, Community Health Strategies LLC
  • Thumbnail for Best Practices in Delivering Team Based Care in a Telehealth Care Environment
    August 31, 2020
    An unintended outcome of COVID 19 was an acceleration to practice transformation in the area of Telehealth, while continuing to leverage the full team. An important aspect of team-based care has always been the co-location of the primary and extended care team members. However, upon the necessity to meet patient’s needs virtually; clinical and operational leaders of health centers had to re-envision the care delivery; including staff roles and responsibilities, operational workflows, policies and procedures, and other aspects of care. In this program, we will discuss how to leverage health center strengths and build upon those strengths in moving to a virtual health center. We will review each role on the interdisciplinary care team and discuss their importance in a successful re-implementation of team-based care in the virtual world. Roles reviewed will include: medical assistant, provider, registered nurses, behavioral health staff, non-clinical team members, and the re-assignment of staff to support this larger model. This will include a discussion of the role of an interdisciplinary executive leadership team that includes Chiefs of Medicine, Nursing, Behavioral Health and Dentistry to work together to seamlessly transition and recover from clinical, operational and financial challenges due to crises such as COVID 19.


    Speaker Image for Mary Blankson
    Mary Blankson, DNP, APRN, FNP-C
    Chief Nursing Officer, Community Health Center, Inc.
    Speaker Image for Veena Channamsetty
    Chief Medical Officer, Community Health Center, Inc.
    Speaker Image for Timothy Kearney
    Chief Behavioral Health Officer, Community Health Center, Inc.
  • Thumbnail for COVID-19 and the FTCA Program – Immunity in a Virtual World
    August 31, 2020
    The onslaught of the Coronavirus through the communities we serve has transformed the techniques we use to deliver care now and potentially for years to come. Can the FTCA program protect health centers as you devise new and more sophisticated methods to deliver services in this difficult environment? This session’s panel will discuss the program’s applicability to telehealth technology, COVID-19 testing, care to non-health center patients, service areas questions, and other FTCA issues related to the COVID-19 world we inhabit. Be prepared with your questions in this interactive virtual workshop as we take a deep dive into your malpractice protection during this pandemic.


    Speaker Image for Martin J. Bree
    Of Counsel, Feldesman Tucker Leifer Fidell LLP
    Speaker Image for Matthew S. Freedus
    Partner, Feldesman Tucker Leifer Fidell LLP
    Speaker Image for Molly S. Evans
    Partner, Feldesman Tucker Leifer Fidell LLP
  • Thumbnail for Concurrent Sessions
    August 31, 2020
  • Thumbnail for Opening General Session
    August 31, 2020
    Join health center representatives, government health officials, health care sponsors and vendors and many others from around the country for the Opening General Session at NACHC’s CHI@Home conference. It will feature a dynamic Keynote address by Dr. Damon Tweedy, author of the NY Times best-selling book “Black Man in a White Coat-A Doctor’s Reflections on Race and Medicine.” The session will also include other special speakers and presentations to honor the legacies of two civil rights and congressional health center champions.


    Speaker Image for Mandy Cohen
    Mandy Cohen, MD, MPH
    Secretary, North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services
    Speaker Image for Damon Tweedy
    Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Duke Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Duke University School of Medicine
  • Thumbnail for Visit the Digital Product Showcase and Virtual Poster Showcase
    August 31, 2020
    On the left menu panel, click on “The Digital Product Showcase” and “Virtual Poster Showcase” menu items to visit with exhibitors and view poster presentations.
  • Thumbnail for 340B: Developments in Policy, Reimbursement, and Operations
    August 31, 2020
    Speakers will provide updates on recent policy and reimbursement developments in the 340B space, including at the Federal and state level, among manufacturers, and in contracting.  A speaker will also discuss how his FQHC adapted their 340B and pharmacy operations in response to COVID-19.  


    Speaker Image for Jason Reddish
    Partner, Feldesman Tucker Leifer Fidell LLP
    Speaker Image for Michaela Keller
    Manager, Federal Affairs, NACHC
    Speaker Image for Sue Veer
    President and CEO, Carolina Health Centers, Inc.
    Speaker Image for Matthew Bertsch
    Director of Pharmacy, Sun Life Family Health Center, INC
    Speaker Image for Tim Mallett
    Tim Mallett, RPh, 340B ACE
    Vice President, Pharmacy Services, 340Basics
    Speaker Image for Colleen Meiman
    Senior Policy Advisor, NACHC
  • Thumbnail for Health Center Boards and Strategic Financial Oversight During COVID-19
    August 31, 2020
    Health center board financial oversight responsibilities are significant during normal business conditions, but are heightened during times of crisis. Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, those responsibilities have become even more critical to the financial sustainability of our health centers. This session will consider key activities or steps that boards can take as part of their strategic fiscal oversight role during COVID response and recovery. Topics will include governance considerations related to grants compliance, what to monitor on center financial statements during COVID response and recovery, among others.


    Speaker Image for Justin Kensinger
    Partner, BKD, LLP
    Speaker Image for Jeffrey Allen
    Partner, Forvis

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