2023 EHCO

  • Thumbnail for Welcome and Introduction to Elevating Health Center Operations12
    June 13, 2023
    This session will welcome participants and introduce the training platform and its interactive features.


    Speaker Image for Brandon Jones
    Director, Health Center Operations Training, NACHC
  • Thumbnail for Data Dashboards for Decision-Making
    June 13, 2023
    This session will focus on how dashboards can be utilized to assist leadership in critical decision-making and strategy. Meaningful use of data dashboards is important for operations leaders to articulate needed transformation in health centers. This session will provide best practices for using meaningful data to facilitate conversations with leadership regarding transformative patient care.
  • Thumbnail for Understanding Your Operations: A look at Managing Provider Panels, Access, and Patient Retention
    June 13, 2023
    Provider panel volumes, patient access, and overall patient retention are all factors that health centers leaders must consider when understanding the overall operational needs of their health center. This session will explore a defined set of measures that can exchange anecdotal insights for defined key performance indicators regarding new patient access, patient retention, and other factors to maximize your health center’s productivity.
  • Thumbnail for Advanced Operational Planning
    June 13, 2023
    This session will focus on best practices for designing and executing a successful operational plan. Operational plans are tools that guide the organization through the prioritization, allocation, and implementation of resources ensuring progression toward organizational strategic goals. This interactive session will provide participants access to the tools to operationalize population health and patient centered strategies for success.
  • Thumbnail for Health Center Design for the Future
    June 14, 2023
    This innovative session will focus on evidence-based operations, program planning, sustainable architecture, and transformative redesign principles to build and optimize your health center capital project for the future. Health centers that progress toward gathering places with multi-purpose environments of care will produce meaningful and lasting impacts on the community's overall health. This session will promote forward thinking about ways community health centers can create building spaces that function in all the ways that care is delivered going forward regardless even with budget constraints.
  • Thumbnail for Leveraging Your Needs Assessment for Strategic Planning, Governance, Service Delivery, and More
    June 14, 2023
    Health center’s needs assessments are a valuable opportunity to connect the needs of your community to your health center’s larger strategy, governance, and operational decisions. Leveraging the needs assessment process for these important purposes will help engage the board of directors and increase collaboration throughout the needs assessment process. This session will explore how to incorporate your needs assessment into strategic planning, service line or site expansion decisions, and promote conversations with funders, partners, and the broader community.
  • Thumbnail for Service Line Integration and Diversification for Health Centers
    June 14, 2023
    As health centers move towards transformative care to ensure financial viability, exploring service line integration and diversification is one way to generate revenue. This session will review the guidelines that Health Resources and Services & Services Administration (HRSA) has for developing "other lines of business,” and discuss considerations regarding revenue generation.
  • Thumbnail for Wrap-Up
    June 14, 2023

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