Stacey Moody

Senior Consultant, John Snow, Inc

Stacey Moody, MSW, is a Senior Consultant at John Snow, Inc. (JSI)) with over 20 years of professional experience focused on increasing access to health care to underserved populations, including community health centers and school-based health centers. Stacey supports health centers as they respond to growing pressure to move towards models of care and payment that reward value over volume. In partnership with NACHC, she helped to develop tools and resources that increase PCA and health centers readiness for payment reform, including the Payment Reform Readiness Assessment Tool; Payment Reform Supplement to the Governing Board Workbook; and Navigating and Advancing Health Center Payment Reform: Development and Implementation Lessons from Primary Care Associations. Stacey also supports health centers through Board training and facilitation; strategic planning; needs assessments; and grant writing assistance.


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