
Renee Filson

Principal, Fiscal Solutions, LLC

Renee Filson is the Principal of Fiscal Solutions, LLC with over 20 years’ experience in health care. Renee has been performing Operational Site Visits and providing Compliance Manual technical assistance to FQHCs and LALs for the past nine years. Early in her career, she was a Chief Financial Officer of a FQHC in her hometown of Erie, PA which filed for bankruptcy 5 months prior to Renee joining their team. During her time as CFO, Renee also oversaw operations, human resources, the healthcare for the homeless program, the Ryan White Part C program and their 340B program. Renee has been a presenter for various trainings for PCA’s on a wide range of financial topics. Currently, Renee is the Chief Financial Officer of a health center in Hawaii as well as a Look A-Like in Pennsylvania. Renee is a graduate of PennState.


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