Michael A._Holmes

Michael A. Holmes

Immediate Past Chair, NACHC Board of Directors, and Chief Executive Officer, Scenic Rivers Health Services, Inc.

Michael A. Holmes is the CEO of Cook Area Health Services dba Scenic Rivers Health Services. A single site when Mike took the helm over 36 years ago, Scenic Rivers now operates six medical clinics and three dental clinics in an 8,000 square mile service area. In addition to meeting the increasing demand for CHC access in northern Minnesota, Mike also saw the need for moving the organization to an electronic medical record and determined that it could be best accomplished through a network structure. In 2001, Scenic Rivers Health Services partnered with three other organizations to form the Northern Minnesota Network, later adding two other organizations. This health center controlled network has implemented shared Health Information Technology systems to provide practice management, electronic medical records and electronic dental records in rural, medically underserved areas of Minnesota, North Dakota and Illinois.


  • Thumbnail for General Session
    February 13, 2024
    Update from the HRSA Administrator Carole Johnson, Administrator, Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Update from the Health and Human Services Secretary The Honorable Xavier Becerra, Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services Presenter Neera Tanden, Domestic Policy Advisor,…


    Speaker Image for Carole Johnson
    Administrator, Health Resources and Services Administration, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
    Speaker Image for Neera Tanden
    Domestic Policy Advisor, The White House
    Speaker Image for Paloma Hernandez
    Chair, NACHC Board of Directors, and Chief Executive Officer, Urban Health Plan
    Speaker Image for The Honorable Xavier Becerra
    Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services
    Speaker Image for Michael A. Holmes
    Immediate Past Chair, NACHC Board of Directors, and Chief Executive Officer, Scenic Rivers Health Services, Inc.
    Speaker Image for John Santistevan
    Treasurer, NACHC Board of Directors and President and CEO, Salud Family Health

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