
Matthew Borchardt

Principal, CliftonLarsonAllen

Matthew (Matt) Borchardt is a principal in the health care group of CLA with more than 10 years of experience. He specializes in strategic planning and utilizing CLAIntuition™ to assist clients by focusing time, energy, and resources on identifying the real drivers of business success. Matt's technical expertise includes: utilizing CLAIntuition™ for long-range strategic financial modeling and capital capacity analysis; strategic planning/positioning of health care organizations, health care mergers, acquisitions, and affiliations; statistical analysis and research related to forecasting future need and demand: service line profitability and benchmarking analysis; and payments from Medicare, Medicaid, and other payers. Matt has a bachelor's degree in accounting and a master's in management, and holds membership in the following organizations: the Healthcare Financial Management Association (Wisconsin Chapter), the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the Minnesota Society of Certified Public Accountants, and the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.


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