Leslie Lieberman

Senior Director, Special Initiatives and Consulting, Health Federation of Philadelphia


  • Thumbnail for Promising Practices for Helping Families Dealing with Trauma
    March 15, 2018
    Traumatic situations, such as abuse, neglect, experiencing natural disasters, seeing family members impacted by immigration situations, or witnessing violent acts, can affect a child’s development…


    Speaker Image for Jason Patnosh
    Associate VP, Development and Innovation, NACHC
    Speaker Image for Marisa Parrella
    Senior Clinical Manager, School Based Mental Health Program, Mary's Center
    Speaker Image for Jennifer Crawford
    Integrated Behavioral Health Director, CCI Health & Wellness Services
    Speaker Image for Leslie Lieberman
    Senior Director, Special Initiatives and Consulting, Health Federation of Philadelphia
    Speaker Image for Tara Wright
    Professional Development Manager, U.S. Social Impact, Sesame Workshop

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