Karen_Ford Manza

Karen Ford Manza MPA

Director of Strategic Partnerships, Nevada Primary Care Association

Karen Ford Manza has a Master’s in Public Administration and Policy specializing in the not-for-profit and public financial management. Ms. Manza has extensive experience with community-based and community-driven health care, operations, strategy, and executive leadership. Karen specializes in: ​Primary care integration, Reproductive and mental health advocacy and access, Resource identification and development and Program optimization, management, monitoring, and compliance.


  • Thumbnail for HMA2 Education Session #2: Evolving Roles of PCAs and HCCNs
    November 16, 2020
    Explore the unique value in community systems of care during a discussion about evolving and emerging roles of PCAs and HCCNs in non-traditional partnerships, health advocacy, and capacity building…


    Speaker Image for Amy Behnke
    Chief Executive Officer, Health Center Association of Nebraska
    Speaker Image for Shelly Ten Napel
    Chief Executive Officer, Community Healthcare Association of the Dakotas
    Speaker Image for Karen Ford Manza
    Director of Strategic Partnerships, Nevada Primary Care Association
    Speaker Image for Sparkle Barnes
    Executive Vice President and Chief Strategic Officer, CNECT and Health Center Partners of Southern California

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