
Hank Hoang PharmD, MBA

Deputy Director, Data and Evaluation, Health Resources and Services Administration, US HHS

Hank Hoang, PharmD, joins us from the Bureau of Primary Health Care (BPHC) at the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) supports nearly 1400 health centers that operate approximately 14,000 service delivery sites in ever U.S. state, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and the Pacific Basin. Hank currently serves as the Deputy Director of Data and Evaluation in the Office of Quality Improvement and oversees the curation, research, and evaluation of Health Center Program datasets. These data provide valuable information on over 30 million patients and the organizations that deliver comprehensive, culturally competent, high-quality primary health care services to the nation’s most vulnerable individuals and families. A practicing pharmacist, Hank continues to provide care in the community setting was previously at the Food and Drug Administration and completed his Doctorate of Pharmacy at the University of Charleston. Originally from California, he completed his undergraduate at the University of California, San Diego and received a dual Master degree in Finance and Business Administration from Northeastern University.


  • Thumbnail for UDS+ and Preparing for the Future of Data Modernization
    March 9, 2023
    This session will describe HRSA's Uniform Data System Modernization Initiative…


    Speaker Image for Matthew Rahn
    Deputy Director, Standards Division, Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT, US Department of Health and Human Services
    Speaker Image for Andrew Hamilton
    Andrew Hamilton, RN, BSN, MS
    Chief Informatics Officer, AllianceChicago
    Speaker Image for Alek Sripipatana
    Director, Data and Evaluation, Office of Quality Improvement, Bureau of Primary Health Care
    Speaker Image for Jason Greer
    Chief Executive Officer, Colorado Community Managed Care Network, Inc.
    Speaker Image for Hank Hoang
    Hank Hoang, PharmD, MBA
    Deputy Director, Data and Evaluation, Health Resources and Services Administration, US HHS

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