Gian R._Johnson

Gian R. Johnson

Director, Division of Assister Programs, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

Gian Johnson is the Director of the Division of Assister Programs, located within the Consumer Support Group (CSG) in CMS's Center for Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO). Gian’s division administers the Navigator Grant Program and the Certified Application Counselor program in the 30 states with a Federally-facilitated Marketplace (FFM). She joined CSG in August 2012 and has been working on the Navigator program since its inception. Gian began her career at CCIIO in October 2010, working on the Rate Review Grant Program. The rate review grants were one of the first ACA grant programs to be rolled out, with the goal of making health insurance rating information more transparent and consumer-friendly. Prior to joining CMS/CCIIO, Gian earned a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and a Juris Doctor from the University of Oklahoma.


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