As health care continues to evolve at a rapid pace, recent events necessitate health centers devote time and resources in order to thoroughly evaluate their operations and surroundings to effectively prepare for increasing expectations and responsibilities…
Sustainable and effective health center operations are achieved when there is alignment between people, process and place. Due to the ever-changing healthcare environment including a shift to team-based and integrated care, we cannot make decisions in isolation…
Cindy Barr, RN, Operations and Facilities Planner, Capital Link
Sustainable and effective health center operations are achieved when there is alignment between people, process and place. Due to the ever-changing healthcare environment including a shift to team-based and integrated care, we cannot make decisions in isolation…
Cindy Barr, RN, Operations and Facilities Planner, Capital Link
Given that over 70% of change initiatives fail, this session will offer key take-aways and action steps to lead a change at your health center…
Cindy Barr, RN, Operations and Facilities Planner, Capital Link
Operations and Facilities Planner, Capital Link
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