
Braedyn Kromer

Data Director, Bureau of Primary Health Care/HRSA

Braedyn Kromer is the Data Division Director in the Bureau of Primary Health Care (BPHC), in the Office of Strategic Business Operations (OSBO). Braedyn joined HRSA in 2022 as the first Director of the newly formed Data Division to focus on enterprise data and data software/tool needs in BPHC. Braedyn started her federal career at the U.S. Census Bureau in 2008, where she served as a statistician supporting the American Community Survey (ACS). In 2016, Braedyn joined FDA as Chief of the Program Evaluation branch, where she transformed FDA’s usage of data, analytics, and data visualization tools to help FDA make sound data driven decisions. Before her federal career Braedyn worked as an Economist at a private consulting firm in Baltimore City. She has a passion for data transparency and accessibility that drives her work in federal service.


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