
Ann Loeffler MSPH, PMP

Principal Associate/Scientist, Abt Associates - Rockville, MD

Ms. Loeffler joined the health center movement in 1999 as part of the senior leadership team at a health center in Boulder, Colorado. Since then, Ms. Loeffler has worked at all levels of the health center movement, including: - Supporting primary care strategic planning efforts at the national, federal, state, and local levels. - Supporting needs assessments, board development, workforce development strategic planning, and other activities for HCs, PCAs, HCCNS, and NACHC, and regional accountable care entities. - Facilitating and designing partnerships and strategies among hospitals, payers, and health centers. - Providing training and technical assistance on issues related to using data for quality improvement, value-based care and payment models, workforce issues, and virtual care. - Establishing new health centers in communities with no access to care. In addition to her work with health centers, she leads similar projects at a national scale for Abt Associates. She brings her national perspective on health system delivery transformation and payment reform to her work at the state and local levels.


  • Thumbnail for The Fundamentals of Value-Based Transformation: A Session for Health Center Board Members
    February 12, 2024
    Have you heard about value-based payment and transformation but you’re not sure what it is? Designed for new health center board members or members looking for a refresher, this session will cover the fundamentals of “payment reform” which involves some payers such as the Centers for Medicare and M…


    Speaker Image for Hiroshi Nakano
    Board Member and Vice President, Value-Based Initiatives, UW Medicine/Valle, International Community Health Services
    Speaker Image for Ann Loeffler
    Ann Loeffler, MSPH, PMP
    Principal Associate/Scientist, Abt Associates - Rockville, MD

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