Telemedicine: When to Embark on an Alternate Care Delivery Model?

October 27, 2017
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As medical practices move from a fee-for-service reimbursement environment to fee-for-value reimbursement, it is increasingly important for the financial health of the organization to be able to optimally manage the health of the practice’s patient population in a cost-effective manner. For a community health center (CHC) practice, the decision to offer medical services virtually, however, does not come without significant organizational commitment and investment cost. From a clinical perspective, virtual care requires physician acceptance of a paradigm shift in how a relationship is established between patient and physician. From a financial perspective, key areas of concern are: (1) return on investment (ROI) projections; and (2) the potential implications of not offering a virtual visit solution. This presentation seeks to: provide a review of existing literature on the topic of telemedicine with a focus on synchronous virtual encounters in primary care; evaluate experiences of primary care practices; and, ultimately, provide additional knowledge to assist practice administrators and key stakeholders in decision-making and strategic planning as it relates to the value of virtual visits to the future of their organizations.  


Speaker Image for Andy Gulati
Manager, Health Information Technology Training, NACHC
Speaker Image for Benjamin Lefever
President, Certintell, Inc.
Speaker Image for Mary Zelazny
Chief Executive Officer, Finger Lakes Community Health
Speaker Image for Huzefa Dossaji
Huzefa Dossaji, BSc, MEd, PharmD
Vice President, Certintell

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