Providing Enabling Services at Health Centers and Evaluating Their Role in Improving Access to Care and Health Outcomes

March 18, 2020

Health center patients often face complex, interrelated barriers to care that require a mix of non-clinical services to help increase healthcare access. These non-clinical, enabling services include outreach, enrollment assistance, case management, interpretation, transportation, health education, peer support, and other services. By enhancing access to primary care, enabling services have implications for optimizing health and cost savings in the long term.   This session will showcase various models for providing enabling services at community health centers. Presenters will highlight peer-reviewed research examining how enabling services influence health center patients’ access to primary care, preventive services use, and satisfaction with care received. This includes research led in part by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) in addition to program evaluations conducted by a community health center.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand how enabling services reduce barriers to care for health center patients.
  • Identify various models and promising practices for providing enabling services at community health centers.
  • Understand research and program evaluation data examining the role and impact of enabling services to improve health care access and health outcomes.


Speaker Image for A. Seiji Hayashi
A. Seiji Hayashi, MD, MPH, FAAFP
Chief Transformation Officer and Medical Director, Mary's Center
Speaker Image for Alek Sripipatana
Director, Data and Evaluation Division, Office of Quality Improvement, Bureau of Primary Health Care/HRSA
Speaker Image for Tia Whitaker
Statewide Director, Outreach and Enrollment, Pennsylvania Association of Community Health Centers


Speaker Image for Ted Henson
Director, Health Center Performance and Innovation, NACHC

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