Leaping Forward to New Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence at GLFHC

November 3, 2016

The chief information and chief quality officers of the Greater Lawrence Family Health Center (GLFHC) will describe the evolution of GLFHC's Business Intelligence (BI). As co-directors of this project, they will present an overview of many years and iterations of progress toward a comprehensive approach to BI, culminating in 2015 with the selection of a new vendor (Information Builders, Inc.) and Phase I of technological development through June 2016. (Information Builders, Inc. granted permission to the presenters for the use of their name in this presentation.)_x000D_
The BI development decision-making process will be outlined, with focus on the following: (1) building consensus among members of the senior management team; (2) seeking external support for the initial investment into the program; (3) determining requirements; (4) vendor assessment planning and implementation; and (5) consultant assessment and contracting. Examples of the Phase I deliverables will include: (1) selected specifications of the data warehouse contents; (2) initial dashboard reports including drill downs; (3) dashboards and innovations in delivery of dashboard information; (4) training options and expectations; and (5) plans for Phase II and further development of BI capacity. The session format will be peer-to-peer discussion in order to intersperse presented content with questions, comments, and dialogue.
  • Identify GLFHC's lessons related to developing stakeholder consensus.
  • Discuss GLFHC's elevated capacity for data mapping and integration of multiple databases into a BI system.
  • Identify new innovations possible through GLFHC's BI vendor such as the user-focus capacity to drill down and manipulate data behind a dashboard from an email, while not connected to the BI system.


Speaker Image for Dean Cleghorn
Dean Cleghorn, 1.5 - 1.8
Senior Vice President/Chief Quality Officer, Greater Lawrence Family Health Center


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