Revenue Cycle 360°

  • Thumbnail for FQHC Medicare PPS: What you need to know
    May 27, 2020
    This session will focus on Medicare FQHC PPS basics and any reimbursement changes and/or updates. Areas that will be covered include Rate setting for G-eodes, billing for same day visits, and
    definition of new patients.


    Speaker Image for Gervean Williams
    Director, Health Center Finance Trainings, NACHC
  • Thumbnail for Sliding Fee and Charge Setting
    May 27, 2020
    The mission of the 330 Grantees is to expand primary health care to those who need it most. To meet the mission, CHCs provides comprehensive medical, dental, and behavioral healthcare to all
    regardless of ability to pay by utilizing a sliding fee scale. To comply with these requirements, CHCs must implement a sliding fee discount program, which assures that patients have access to all primary care services regardless of their ability to pay. This session will review the requirements and different methodologies in operationalizing a sliding fee program.


    Speaker Image for Catherine Gilpin
    Managing Director/ Grants Management & Financial Advisory Services, FORVIS
  • Thumbnail for Attributes of Better Performing Billing Departments
    May 27, 2020
    This session will educate key staff in the unique and complicated reimbursement systems available to FQHCs, also take a deeper dive into developing effective billing departments, analyzing and maximizing
    patient revenue.


    Speaker Image for Ray Jorgensen
    Ray Jorgensen, CEO PMG, Inc.
    Co-Founder, PMG RCM, Inc., PMG Credentialing, Inc., and RevenueHealth, Inc.
  • Thumbnail for Accounts Receivables Reporting and Analysis
    May 27, 2020
    Session will review all types of reimbursement typically encountered by health centers and will cover essential functions required to accurately record revenue, manage accounts receivable and provide
    management reports that allow optimal oversight and cash flow for all types of payers. Includes evaluating revenue trends, understanding characteristics of receivables, diagnosing collection issues
    and maximizing collection efforts.


    Speaker Image for Ray Jorgensen
    Ray Jorgensen, CEO PMG, Inc.
    Co-Founder, PMG RCM, Inc., PMG Credentialing, Inc., and RevenueHealth, Inc.
  • Thumbnail for The Importance of Documentation, Coding: Office & Medicare Billing
    May 28, 2020
    Medical necessity, substantiated by solid documentation is essential for compliance and performance reasons. This session presents basics of 1995 evaluation and management documentation guidelines,
    some common FQHC coding myths, information about preventive and consultation coding, as well as other important coding must-knows. Also covered is documentation and coding for behavioral health visits and the circumstances under which common FQHC procedures are covered and billable
    to Medicare.


    Speaker Image for Gary Lucas
    Gary Lucas, MSHI, CPC, Association for Rural & Community Health Professional Coding
  • Thumbnail for Compliance Effectiveness to Drive Operations Excellence
    May 28, 2020
    This session will focus on improving health center performance in the area of explaining the role of accountability for compliance, the elements of an effective strategy for maintaining compliance, and the tools for managing the implementation of a compliance program .


    Speaker Image for Gary Lucas
    Gary Lucas, MSHI, CPC, Association for Rural & Community Health Professional Coding
  • Thumbnail for Key Performance Indicators and Case Study Review
    May 28, 2020
    Learn about practical management and operating functions that should be undertaken before, during, after and simultaneously throughout the patient visit process in order to maximize cash collections and effectively manage accounts receivables . This session will include case studies.


    Speaker Image for Ray Jorgensen
    Ray Jorgensen, CEO PMG, Inc.
    Co-Founder, PMG RCM, Inc., PMG Credentialing, Inc., and RevenueHealth, Inc.

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