
Jillian Hopewell MPA, MA

Director, Education and Communication, Migrant Clinicians Network

Jillian Hopewell has devoted her professional career to health care justice for immigrant populations. Since 1995, she has worked with Migrant Clinicians Network (MCN), the oldest and largest clinical network dedicated to improving health care for underserved migrants. Jillian directs MCN's California office, serving as the Director of Education and Professional Development. In this capacity, she oversees MCN's comprehensive technical assistance program for migrant and community health centers and migrant clinicians. Jillian also directs MCN's continuing education program for clinicians and coordinates all of MCN's clinical publications.

She is an adjunct faculty member of the Communication Arts and Sciences Department at California State University, Chico; and has a Master's degree from the LBJ School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas at Austin, and a Master of Arts from the Institute of Latin American Studies at the University of Texas at Austin.


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