
Advanced Filters
11:05am - 11:20am  Break 11:20am - 12:15pm  Part C: Administrative Oversight/Personnel Policies and Procedures Health center boards are responsible for establishing general policies for the organization. This session addresses the governing board’s oversight responsibilities related to personnel policies and procedures – including staff satisfaction –  and policies related to facility standards. Malvise A. Scott, Senior Vice President, Partnerships and Resource Development, NACHC 12:15pm - 1:15pm Lunch (on your own)

As thousands of health center advocates take to Capitol Hill, Congress is weighing questions related to funding, payment, and our role within the health care system. This session will provide a clear rundown of the 2018 Health Center Policy Agenda and advocacy strategy. It will be the main opportunity for advocates to hear this year's "asks" and to dialogue with NACHC Policy and Advocacy staff about how best to carry our collective message forward. We will showcase tips and information on how to effectively communicate our agenda to members of Congress and their staff. Don't go to the Hill unprepared - this is your best opportunity to prepare for your 2018 Hill visits and hone your skills to be a more effective advocate.

1:15pm - 2:45pm  Part D: The Board's Financial Responsibilities The governing board is responsible for safeguarding the organization’s assets. This session covers the establishment of financial priorities for the organization, the budget process, internal control policies and procedures, long-range planning, financial statements, and audits. Mary Hawbecker, CPA, Senior Vice President, Operations and Chief Financial Officer, NACHC

03:00pm - 05:30pm EDT - March 14, 2018 | Room: Marriott Ballroom
Credits Available:
0.00 No Credit

05:45pm - 06:45pm EDT - March 14, 2018

07:00pm - 08:00pm EDT - March 14, 2018

08:00pm - 10:00pm EDT - March 14, 2018 | Room: Exhibit Hall C
Get to know your fellow health center young professionals better!  You’ll leave this event with valuable new relationships that will help inspire you in your work and build the bonds necessary to move the Health Center Movement forward. 

07:00am - 03:30pm EDT - March 15, 2018 | Room: Lobby Level

07:00am - 03:30pm EDT - March 15, 2018 | Room: Lobby Level

08:00am - 05:00pm EDT - March 15, 2018