2 0 2 3 T R A I N I N G
Elevating Health Center Operations
Elevating Health Center Operations (EHCO) is NACHC’s only regional training to provide critical components of operational success. Health center C-Suite/Senior leaders who attend EHCO can discover the keys to the quadruple aim of enhanced patient experience, improved population health, reduced costs and improved work life of all health center employees. In addition to a deep dive into key elements of health center operations, the program offers a unique opportunity for busy leaders to network and build relationships with industry peers.
This training will focus on the following C-Suite Competencies:
- Operations (Level 3)
- Personnel Management (Level 3)
- Leadership (Level 3)
These competencies align with NACHC’s Value Transformation Framework (VTF), with detailed descriptions of knowledge and skill levels. NACHC resources are mapped to competencies in the TTA Catalog.
By the end of this training participants will be able to:
> Apply strategies for connecting operational plans with the organizational strategic plan and encourage engagement from multiple levels of health center staff.
> Model similar data sets to drive decisions and engage with appropriate views to display for differing levels of health center staff audiences.
> Identify key clinical and operational performance patient access measures to drive organizational success.
> Develop strategies for enhancing ROI and a sustainable business case for evidence-based design.
> Recognize how needs assessments can be integrated into strategic planning, incorporated into decision making, and used as an engagement tool for key stake holders.
> Describe Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) requirements for out of scope and “other lines of business” to prepare for strategic planning discussions with board of directors.