Starting with Success:
Building and Enhancing Your Health Center
This two-day event provides a comprehensive, nuts-and-bolts training for leaders and organizations seeking a true “Health Center 101.” This training workshop is specifically targeted to new, veteran, and future health center leaders seeking an overview of HRSA’s Health Center Program Requirements and promising practices with respects to operating a Federally Qualified Community Health Center.
Organizations seeking 330-Funded or Look-Alike Status have also attended this training workshop.
Learning Objectives:
As a result of this training, you will be able to:
> Outline HRSA’s Health Center Program Requirements.
> Describe fundamental components of operating and financing a Federally Qualified Health Center.
> Interact with health center industry experts/colleagues and learn what makes your health center unique.
> Representatives from the Bureau of Primary Health Care/Health Resources & Services Administration
> NACHC Subject Matter Experts
> Current and Former Health Center Leaders, Board Members, and OSV Reviewers