
Jillian Bird MSN, RN

RN Training Manager, National Nurse-Led Care Consortium

Jillian Bird, Nurse Training Manager at National Nurse-Led Care Consortium (NNCC), is passionate and driven in her commitment to nursing and supporting nurse-led health care delivery. Prior to coming to NNCC, she worked in the field of maternal addiction, managing care delivery and work force development in both the residential and outpatient setting for Thomas Jefferson’s MATER program. This experience meant staying up to date on evidence for best practice in SUD, policy development and patient advocacy, as well as complex-care populations and supporting frontline professionals.

A significant focus of her work today comes directly from her time in high stress, emotionally charged environments, focusing on the importance of supporting nurses and front-line professionals who provide quality care in high stress environments. Her background in mindfulness-based practices, yoga, meditation, rock climbing, and dance inform Jillian's new passion: cultivating resilience and renewal in nursing teams and medical delivery professionals.


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