
Emily Benfer JD, LLM

Prof., Clinical Law and Dir., Health Equity Policy and Advocacy Clinic, George Washington University Law School

Emily A. Benfer is a Visiting Professor of Clinical Law and the founding Director of the Medical-Legal Partnership Clinic at the George Washington University Law School. She is a Visiting Research Collaborator at the Eviction Lab at Princeton University and the Chair of the American Bar Association Task Force on Eviction, Housing Stability, and Equity. Professor Benfer's areas of research and clinic practice include health equity, social justice, housing and eviction, interprofessional education, environmental and racial justice, and medical-legal partnership. She has testified before Congress and the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights and appeared in numerous media outlets on these topics. Professor Benfer's work has been published in law reviews, peer-reviewed journals, and national media outlets. She has served as a Senior Policy Advisor to the White House and American Rescue Plan Implementation Team between 2021-2022, where Professor Benfer focused on eviction prevention and housing policy.
